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Introducing COMET 2014, Conference on On-Line Monitoring of Electric Assets, December 2-3, 2014

COMET 2014 is a technical conference designed to share the evolving technology trends and industry's best practices around on-line monitoring of electric power assets. 

Our tracks will focus on three key asset application areas in Transmission & DistributionMotors & Generators and Oil & Gas

COMET conference aims to educate electric power maintenance professionals and decision makers on how to best deploy solutions reliably for their enterprise. The conference program will offer non-commercial papers that highlight practical experience with equipment failure, ways to prevent failure and other maintenance and reliability problems of various assets in the industries. Resulting peer-to-peer exchange of practical information will help you make your power system even more reliable. 

To enhance the value of the meeting, tutorials on equipment testing will be offered on the day before and the day after the technical program. This provides the opportunity to learn the latest techniques while also learning from the practical experience of others.


COMET 2014 will be hosted at the AT&T Conference Center and Hotel in beautiful downtown Austin, Texas.